Have you ever wondered Why the Bible is the #1 Best Selling book of all time?
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn of the Page!
Join us in 2025 as we read through the New Testament together.
We will be starting our Bible reading Journey on January 1, and ending on December 31, 2025. We promise reading the Bible will bless your life and allow you to understand why this book has transformed lives for generations.

Who We Are
​Southwest Church of Christ is a growing group of Christians bound together by our faith in Christ and our love for one another. We believe that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord, the expression of God's grace; and the Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God.
The cross and resurrection of Jesus are the center of our relationship with God. We become Christians by placing our faith in Jesus as a personal Savior, confessing that faith, turning from sin, and being united with Christ in baptism.
About Us
Southwest Church of Christ has served the Southwest suburbs of Portland since 1973. We are located on the corner of 98th and Durham Road in Tigard, Oregon
(west of Tigard High School).
Our mission statement says it all: We are a Christ-focused family, committed to living for God, loving each other, and lighting the world.
We invite you to join us at any of our events or services, or contact us if we can help you in your walk with God. Contact the office at 503-620-0221