We place a high value on our college students and young adults and realize that at Southwest, you have as
much to offer us, as we have to offer you.
College is a crucial time in a young adult’s life with so many changes and choices coming their way. If you look
around our church family, you will not only see that we minister to college students, but you’ll also see that
they minister to us, as our students get involved with several aspects of our church life.
In addition to our college students, we want to help all young adults from 18-25 connect in the life of the
Wherever your place in life: single or married, in college or working a career, or taking care of your children; if
you are 18-25, you have a welcome place with us.
As adults, we are responsible for becoming disciplined in how we grow into maturity.
One way our ministry helps us become more mature disciples is by how we respond to the points of our
mission statement: We are a Christ-focused family, committed to Living for God, Loving each other, and
Lighting the World.
We live for Christ by serving one another. We have had opportunities to give of ourselves fully like the Acts
church did. We love each other deeply. You can see that by how we encourage and pray for one another.
Through good and bad, we care about one another. Finally, we are lighting the world in our outreach. Giving
of time and money in reaching out to those less fortunate than ourselves, and by how we welcome any and all
who have the need of the Gospel of Jesus.
We are glad to walk with you a few minutes and would love to travel with you farther as we are all on a
journey to answer life’s most important questions and to better understand God’s love for us.
Life Group – Every Friday night
Contact the church office for more information: office@swest.org
College Care Network
We want to reach our college students all over the world. We have a wonderful group of people who send out
care packages and notes to our college students throughout the school year.